So I found this writing competition on the sims website. I didn't really want to enter since I don't really have time for it. But I quickly attempted the first assignment just for fun. Anyway, this was the assignment:
For the first assingment I'd like to see your writing range, so you can do anything you like, with one rule. You have to base it off of your faveourite song! Pictures are optional, but remember, they get you extra points!
If you need any extra info, just leave a messge, after the tone! *beeep!*
What I created wasn't really a story, just kind of the base of a story. It wasn't really based much on the song I chose either, I just got the idea while I was listening to the song. I might expand on the story at some point, I quite like the idea. Well, the song I chose was Waiting For The End by Linkin Park. It isn't really my favorite song, but it is an awesome song. Search for it on YouTube or something if you don't know the song. Anyway, here's my creation (I apologize for any mistakes, I kind of rushed it):
I clutched my sister Amy’s hand as we reached the top of the hill. “Did you get the right place?” she asked looking up at me.
“Yes, we’re going to be fine now,” I said she looked so small and scared. I let go of her hand as I sat down on the dry grass. “Don’t look so scared, soon it’ll all be over,” I told her as she sat beside me. We were lucky really, 2012 really was the end and only a small number of people had survived. We’d been living off tins of food we’d managed to find in the rubble that had once been a city. My city. My home. I looked out to the horizon where the sun was slowly setting in the cold grey sky. I remembered what my mother had said to me, in the last moments of her life she told me she’d seen this all happen in a dream. She told me to wait exactly four weeks before going to the top of the hill on the edge of the city, near the park. There was nothing left of the park now, or the city, but I could still find the hill. She told us to just wait at the top of the hill, as the sun set. I reached into my pocket to pull out the one picture I had left of my family. It was from last summer, in the picture we were all smiling and laughing. I smiled as a tear slid down my cheek.
Suddenly the sky got very dark and a flash of green shot above our heads. I grabbed Amy’s arm and jumped to my feet, not knowing what would happen next. More colours shot through the sky. “What’s happening?” Amy asked.
“We’re going somewhere better, this is just the beginning” I said. The sky turned green, then blue. Suddenly the whole sky was glowing purple and I felt my feet leave the ground. I shut my eyes, terrified. “Open your eyes!” Amy yelled to me sounding happy. I looked around to see we were shooting through a tunnel of light away from the earth. Then it all went dark.
Tell me what you think :)
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